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Monsanto CEO frustrated over polarized GMO debate – Apr. 18, 2016

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Monsanto’s CEO is troubled by the public debate on genetically modified food.

Monsanto’s CEO is troubled by the public debate on genetically modified food. In the past, the heated rhetoric has threatened the company’s reputation, but now it could hurt the bottom line.
“The thing that drives [me] a little bit nuts, and is the frustrating piece in this, is it’s such a polarized debate and I don’t think it should be,” Hugh Grant said in an interview with CNNMoney at the company’s St Louis headquarters.
Until recently, the company focused almost exclusively on its relationship with the direct buyers of its products. For the last three years, however, Monsanto has been trying to reach a broader audience, and influence public perception about the controversial technology that allows Monsanto’s scientists to tinker with the DNA of top selling corn and soybean seeds.
Grant says Monsanto (MON) wants to do a better job of communicating with end consumers who want to know more about the source of their food and how it’s produced.

Source: Monsanto CEO frustrated over polarized GMO debate – Apr. 18, 2016

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