Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything. Albert Einstein

Applied Epigenetics: The Science of DNA Activation & Healing

“The basis of every state of mind and matter, including conditions of disease or health, is their primary state of vibration.” -
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Learn how to kickstart the process of DNA activation, healing and repair in your body, which groundbreaking Epigenetics research has now proven is possible.

The Foundations of Epigenetic DNA Activation: Life is Energy

Einstein, Tesla, and the science of quantum physics have shown us that the fabric of the Universe is composed of vibrational strings expressed as energy. Every single cell and organ system, as
well as our entire physical body, is encompassed and surrounded by its own individual energy field. The basis of every state of mind and matter, including conditions of disease or health, is their primary state of vibration. Therefore, the very life we live is a reflection of our own vibrational essence. We are the creative force in the unfolding story of our journey. Our world as we embark upon it now, is filled with higher consciousness and vibrational frequencies that will only be supporting our highest potential.
In 1953, scientific research reported by James Watson and Francis Crick captured the attention and imagination of our modern civilization. Their studies on the nature of DNA, the blueprints for the structure of our cells, created the belief that genes control biology, the foundation upon which modern medicine is built. This belief evolved into the concept known as genetic determinism, the notion that our physical and behavioral fates are encoded in the genes and that we are helpless victims of genetics.

– See more at: http://www.consciouslifestylemag.com/dna-activation-healing-epigenetics/#sthash.TIAmrmRD.dpuf

Source: Applied Epigenetics: The Science of DNA Activation & Healing

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