Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything. Albert Einstein

5 Extreme Examples of Evolutionary Prowess – The Crux

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These creatures’ evolutionary secrets give clues into how we could regrow damaged tissue or even turn back the hands of time.

Hidden among us are survivors – living, breathing beings that have pulled off some pretty remarkable feats in order to live another day. They can be found ambling through the moss beneath our feet, drifting in our oceans and our streams, even stuck in the local pet store or on the subway. You just have to know where to look.

These creatures give clues into how we could withstand extreme conditions, regrow damaged tissue or missing limbs, turn back the hands of time, guard ourselves from illness, and perhaps even achieve humankind’s most elusive goal – immortality.

Source: 5 Extreme Examples of Evolutionary Prowess – The Crux

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